On Wednesday 8th June 2016, our Primary School had a trip to The Argory, a Neo-classical mansion in Dungannon. We ‘traveled back in time’ to 1847 and everyone – including teachers – had to wear appropriate nineteenth-century clothing.
Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils were invited to The Argory as its little master’s – Tommy’s – friends. They met his Nanny, who showed them Tommy’s bedroom and his birthday presents from his father, Lord Bond, who was in Egypt. They helped her sort Tommy’s nineteenth-century toys into his suitcase for a train trip to Cork – including a fake spider!
Then, Tommy’s governess showed us his classroom, schoolwork – based on the 3 Rs – and his coin collection. The pupils made special calling cards, so they could visit The Argory.
The pupils were welcomed to the home by Lady Bond, who received each pupil’s calling card. She gave us a tour of her Reception Room, even allowing one pupil to play her piano, and her husband’s Billiard Room, showing us a scary bear her brother gave her as a gift. Finally, she allowed us a peek at Tommy’s special birthday cake in the dining room and asked us for help in planning his birthday tea.
Meanwhile, Key Stage 2 pupils were potential employees for The Argory. They would be hired as lady maids, house maids, valets or gardeners.
During their application, they met the head lady’s maid, Miss McCall, the housekeeper called Mrs Hill, and the gardener, Phoebe.
Each employee related all the duties required for their jobs. In the garden, the pupils had ‘hands-on’ gardening experience, as they made a paper plant pot, filled it with compost and planted seeds in it.