Podcasts by Y8-10

As an introduction to ‘Using ICT’ we started with Podcasting.
We discussed some of the differences and similarities of this new medium compared to traditional radio broadcasting, how it lowers the barrier to entry to communicate with the whole world.

We looked at how content from our local church was ‘podcasted’ and how ‘subscribing’ allowed new content to be automatically downloaded to your computer or mobile device. Some more investigation allowed us to discover a bit more about how the internet works and where our own files, and the ones we download actually exist.

After learning about some of the technical aspects of producing a podcast we had a little go at our own!


Recording audio

Our podcasts were loosely based on the theme “Poetry Podcast”, an imaginary show in which the presenter simply reads a poem.

We were able to use introductory and background music along with fade and gain controls to produce some actual content.

The most fun was had testing out all the different effects and treatments which could be applied to the audio and comparing the results with each other.

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